AHORN Hotel Am Fichtelburg 

Participating players wishing to stay at AHORN Hotel Am Fichtelberg, will have to make their reservation to the phone +49 (0)37348 17830 and on their website


LAST DAY TO BOOK: 01/10/2018 Thereafter, the participants can book at regular rates depending on availability. Participants book directly with the Hotel and are responsible for payment and cancellation.

Reservation prices

 Rate for overnigth stay with Half-Board
 108,00 € per room and nigth
Rate for overnigth stay with Full-Board
 140,00 € per room and nigth
 2,10 € per person and nigth
 5,00 per car and nigth

Once the corresponding reservation has been made at the hotel, the player must inform the Festival Organization at   indicating said reservation and     for how many people you have booked, even if someone does not participate in the Festival. Being this requirement necessary to qualify for the prizes to hosted players (only those prizes are those hosted at AHORN Hotel Am Fichtelberg).